Monday, July 15, 2013

End to end Processs Transparency Bests Silo Views

A mid-sized multi-national company aims at delivering better results for customers with process. It specializes in steel and steel construction and they provide customers with efficient steel solutions for better living working and moving. By providing x-ray vision to an end-to-end process from opportunity to delivery by combining data from two separate systems, they made discoveries, based on the process transparency, enabled the company to make the right decisions for optimizing process performance.

The Challenge:

Processes are usually looked at and scrutinized one by one. But how about combining two processes to get an end-to-end view to really understand how things are running? This is the stance that this company took when wanting to see the big picture, starting from opportunity and ending at delivery.

The process development team at has extensive experience of modeling processes the traditional way. They spend time and put considerable efforts in conducting interviews and doing manual work for scoping the processes that drive the manufacturing, sales and delivery of construction material. A siloed view at separate systems was not the objective but a complete ‘as-is’ process, enabling the discovery of the root causes for the possible issues and bottlenecks and to verify that the tasks and process steps are carried out as planned.

The Solution:

As the analysis was done as a three week service project, the work was done in close cooperation with the customer’s system and process owners to verify the relevant data for the process discovery. Data verification was at the forefront since needing to combine CRM and ERP information. Following a structured project plan, this company was able to see, step by step, how the results were unraveling and see the real status of the process.

The Result:

Based on the findings delivered, this company was able to realize benefits serving the needs of both system management and business.

For System Owners: Transparency to system usage and enabling more focused guideline enforcement and modifications.

For Business:

 Support for prioritization of process improvement activities

 Highlighting the importance of transparent process management over functional silos

Net; Net:

Organizations that manage processes will be challenged in creating and end to end view for many reasons including separate and differently times sub-process efforts. True process management will require a true end to end process view to keep companies running intelligently and opportunistically.

This is a highly summarized and anonymous case study provided by QPR


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